Sunday, April 15, 2018

Savings and Sinking Funds

Since we have gotten back from our spring break trip, we put $400 in savings and although we did this I have one day that I didn't work the whole day on this paycheck so my next check will be smaller, we won't know if we will have to move some over until payday next Friday.

DH gets paid on the 30th and it should be about $6-700 dollars we don't use his checks in the budget as he doesn't work a regular schedule yet, so we put $278 into sinking funds every month and will put the rest into savings.

We have 9 sinking funds but some are already fully funded and we don't put money into those at this time.


~Wild Irish Wanderer

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Nothing Happening here

We really haven't done much in the pay down area. We did cash flow a 4 day trip out of town for spring break and that is next week.

After spring break we will be again working on paying down debt while saving some for summer when we don't work as much.

Anything left over at the end of summer we plan to use for debt.


~Wild Irish Wanderer

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Paid down Chase

Well we had to put new brakes on our car and had to put it on the chase card. We had the money in a sinking fund account at capital one 360, so I transferred it over and paid that in full plus an extra $100 to basically I paid an extra $165 dollars to chase so far this month.

Today I am hoping to sell another thing from my house and will put that also to the chase card.

DH gets paid next week and whatever is extra (if there is) after putting money in sinking funds for the month will go to debt.

~Wild Irish Wanderer

Saturday, February 17, 2018


Paid off another Credit Card this AM.

AMX is gooooonnneeee :-)

1 down 2 more to go.
Hubby hasn't worked for two days since his job is a sub job so we'll see if I pay any extra next week since I need to make sure we have 5K in savings for summer when we are both off a lot.

~Wild Irish Wanderer

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Last day of training

Today is the last day of training for DH new job, so officially he starts tomorrow it's only a substitute position but they think they will need him every day so we are hoping.

We haven't taken any money out of our sinking funds yet for the previous post I mentioned because we had money left over from my last paycheck and honestly I'm not sure what DR would say.

1. take it out and put it toward debt or
2. leave it in there and cash flow the stuff we needed to do.

If anyone knows for sure I'd love to hear from you..
We do have an appointment to have our oil changed and tires rotated on our car and will need to take money out of sinking fund for the oil change (the rotations are free).

Also I haven't made a meal plan nor done grocery list or meal prep this week for next week but I still have the rest of the week to complete this.

~Wild Irish Wanderer

Sunday, February 11, 2018

House upkeep

Well we had to spend almost $300 yesterday, we had our toilet in the master start leaking around the bottom. TMI I know..

We had to replace the toilet, Flange (boy was that fun), wax ring and scrub the whole floor.


Wow it looks so much better now and we took out the over the toilet storage shelf and left it open for now and the space looks huge!

On to more savings I guess.

We did have money in the house sinking fund for this.

We also bought DH his new pants.

$164 bucks later....

We also had Sinking Fund money for this..

So really no out of pocket spent..


~Wild Irish Wanderer

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Really need to up my game

It's been along time !!

Things have been interesting in this house.

We have accumulated some more debt and have plans to take it down but we have other money we need to save for first.  Both DH and myself have jobs that have down time in the summer months so we have decided to save up enough money to not fret when we don't work as much in summer, our goal is $5,000 and we have almost that amount saved right now. Then

AMX $626.77

Visa #1, $3,138.95

Visa #2 $10,652.44

Car Loan $10,339.02

We have no plans to get rid of our automobile at this time and prefer to pay it off.

As DH just got a new job he has not gotten a paycheck from this job yet and we don't have any idea what amount his checks will be so for now we are living off my checks and using his checks for Sinking Fund Accounts and Debt Pay down AFTER we get our summer emergency fund to 5K. His first check will be at the end of this month so we'll have a better handle on approximately how much he could potentially be making.

~Wild Irish Wanderer